Kitronik – Inventors Kit for the BBC microbit


This Inventor’s Kit for the micro:bit is the perfect way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the micro:bit. The experiments included are: say ‘Hello’ to the micro:bit, using an LDR and analogue inputs, dimming an LED using a potentiometer, using a transistor to drive a motor, using the accelerometer to control motor speed, setting the tone with a piezo buzzer, wind power, making a game using the compass, capacitor charge circuit and using an RGB LED.
  • Makes 10 experiments included in the step-by-step tutorial book
  • All parts are included to conduct the 10 experiments
  • Block based coding for the first 6 experiments, transitioning to micropython for the final 4
  • Construct your first circuit in minutes
  • Breaks out 21 accessible pins from the micro:bit using the Edge Connector Board
  • Small prototype breadboard included for fast prototyping
  • No soldering required


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This Inventor’s Kit for the micro:bit is the perfect way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the micro:bit. The experiments included are: say ‘Hello’ to the micro:bit, using an LDR and analogue inputs, dimming an LED using a potentiometer, using a transistor to drive a motor, using the accelerometer to control motor speed, setting the tone with a piezo buzzer, wind power, making a game using the compass, capacitor charge circuit and using an RGB LED.
  • Makes 10 experiments included in the step-by-step tutorial book
  • All parts are included to conduct the 10 experiments
  • Block-based coding for the first 6 experiments, transitioning to micropython for the final 4
  • Construct your first circuit in minutes
  • Breaks out 21 accessible pins from the micro:bit using the Edge Connector Board
  • Small prototype breadboard included for fast prototyping
  • No soldering required