MemberForum Replies Created
Progress so far
Run 1 – Push the truck on the mat, lower the bridge, deliver innovation project, unload cargo ship, – 150 points
Option – to add Airdrop
Run 2 – Retrieve blue-hinged container – 0 points. Start filling in the blue-hinged container
Run 3 – Push out the small plane (transportation journey) and unload the cargo plane – 10 + 30 points = 40 points
Run 4 – Push two grey containers to black circle near the plane – 30 points
Run 5 – Push out the grey container and blue hinged container to the black circle near the train. – 30 points
Run 6 – Push out the second truck – 20
Run 7 – Accident avoidance
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
Thats a really good pickup Pranav!
More questions:
1. How are the emissions calculated? We found a formula – E = A X EF x (1-ER/100)
A = Activity Rate, EF = Emissions Factor, ER = Emissions Rate. What are these values?
2. What is the 19.4 number? This number seemed to be appearing as a constant number in calculating the emissions using a different formula.
1. High-level process overview from order to delivery in your organisation. Do you have SLA (service level agreements) for delivery timeframes?
2. Tell us more about Green Shipping in your organisation.
3. Does your organisation have this option? If not, why not?
4. Do you provide express shipping? If so, do you send trucks that are not full to deliver express shipping timeframes?
5. COVID impact on your organisation
6. Do you completely fill up your delivery vehicles with fuel or just enough to complete the run
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
Run 1: Bridge, innovation connect, cargo ship, airdrop, train. (Coder – Karthik + Builder – Rhys)
Run 2: Retrieve Blue container. (Coding/Build – Harsshen)
Run 3: Push out 1 or 2 trucks. (Coding/Build – Harsshen)
Run 4: Put blue container back and switch engine, Cargo plane. (Coding James + Builder – Rhys)
Run 5: Push things out like the grey container and
stop at accident avoidance last. (Coding – Jaxson and Karthik assisting – Use same attachment from
run 3 and 4)-
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
@Manan why do you like the second one? I like the first one because it represents black lines we follow and the red shapes are markers for sensors to read and react.
@aadhya.nethula this is a great start. You learned something new today….to use BrickLink Studio 2.0. We will test your attachment next week and see whether it works or not.